Could Journey 3D face mapping and liveness detection technology foil the complete face swap in the movie Face/Off? A 3D face map is a topogr...
I often receive feedback from my online editing tool that analyzes my prose. It tells me that 2 of 20 sentences is hard to read or 3 of 20...
Here’s a short list of things Journey can do beyond identity verification, authentication, and seamless customer onboarding. Pay an outsta...
Before the Covid lockdown of 2020 was the original credit report lockdown of 2017. The exposure of personal information of over 147 millio...
When you speak or type your credit card number over the phone does your skin breakout in gooseflesh? Does your heart skip a beat? Along the ...
The average US resident visits between 200 and 300 Internet destinations. We visit Amazon, Netflix, and Target day in and day out without tr...
Go beyond identification and authentication with identity proofing. Find out everything you need to know to stay safe online today....
Are you compliant? Learn everything you need to know to keep in GDPR compliance for your business and website today. Learn the requirements ...
Privacy laws are expanding across the globe. Learn everything you need to know about privacy regulations and how your company can ensure com...