Could Journey 3D face mapping and liveness detection technology foil the complete face swap in the movie Face/Off? A 3D face map is a topographic map of a human face taken over a 2-second video selfie.

First, a summary of the movie:

“Obsessed with bringing terrorist Castor Troy (Nicolas Cage) to justice, FBI agent Sean Archer (John Travolta) tracks down Troy, who has boarded a plane in Los Angeles. After the plane crashes and Troy is severely injured, possibly dead, Archer undergoes surgery to remove his face and replace it with Troy’s. As Archer tries to use his disguise to elicit information about a bomb from Troy’s brother, Troy awakes from a coma and forces the doctor who performed the surgery to give him Archer’s face.”

Tried and True

Journey 3D face mapping and liveness detection technology have passed anti-spoofing levels 1 through 5  of the ISO 30107-3 biometric presentation attack detection standard that defines the levels. A 3D face map matched to a 3D face map has an accuracy of 1:12.8M false acceptance rate (FAR) and a false rejection rate (FRR) of <1%.  A 2D government photo ID matched to a 3D face map has a FAR of 1:750,000 and a FRR of <1%.  Other types of biometric data capture are available but do not offer the accuracy of 3D face maps.

The Verdict

The movie magic facial transplant in Face/Off is the only case where 3D face mapping and matching couldn’t detect the spoof. In all other cases, it’s a 3D face map for the win!

Sheryl Headshot

Storyteller and translator of technical jargon. BA in English from UC Riverside.