The average US resident visits between 200 and 300 Internet destinations. We visit Amazon, Netflix, and Target day in and day out without true identity verification. Scammers set their sights on these sites because most do not require true identity validation. They are sitting ducks for identity theft and credit card fraud. Ergo, so is our precious PII.

According to Pew Research, 51% of adults now bank online. And thanks to COVID-19, we work from-, and learn from-, home. Add it all up and the majority of our lives and livelihoods are spent in cyberspace.

Of course none of these doings play out on the dark web. We’re going to school, work, and the shops on the light, good intentioned, world wide web. The problem is we all know where good intentions lead to — pass the darknet and keep going.  So, how do we find the space between the light and the darK? The sweet spot between anything goes and the friction for fraud tradeoff?

Enter the chiaroscuro

At Journey we use the power of our secure and private identity network, or Zero Knowledge. The key is to sew together a system of verifiers, agencies, and citizens (probably in their pjs). And to do it in a highly secure, privacy-preserving identity network.

Powerful personal computing technology with sensors on devices makes it possible to weave in and out of the light. The Journey Identity solution is a robust identity enrollment and authentication system between the light and the dark.

Sheryl Headshot

Storyteller and translator of technical jargon. BA in English from UC Riverside.