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Proactive Outbound Engagement

Interactive process drives 10x improvement in right party contact rates

Consumers have become so suspicious of calls from unknown numbers that most businesses’ ability to proactively reach their customers is almost entirely futile.

However, if a business was able to signal to the customer that a trusted member of the enterprise would be calling for legitimate business reasons, right party connect rates could increase by up to 10x.

How is that possible?

Journey has developed a purpose-built identity network that works in a two-way fashion.

  • The dialer can send a proactive notification to customers that they will be calling soon
  • Offer the ability to reschedule the call for a convenient time
  • Two lines of Caller ID establish for the customer who exactly is calling
  • With Journey’s mutual authentication, the customer can see exactly who from the organization is on the line with them

With a heads-up, call scheduling, dependable Caller ID, and mutual authentication, right party connect rates can increase by 500 to 100%. What would that do to your outbound campaigns?

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Learn More About Proactive Outbound Engagement

Journey’s products are easy to deploy. Please get in touch at to learn more.